Wednesday, September 17, 2008

warm up #2

1. Rose thought that it was too soon for him initially to be giving writing assignments to the students. He thought that since he wasn't the teacher and he didn't know them well enough that it was to soon to start this. He came up with an exercises with bringing in some pictures and posters. Many of the stories the students were about their lives outside of school. What kind of places that they lived and sometimes how hard it was to deal with the types of neighborhoods that they lived in. Rose also had them write about what they saw in posers and pictures. Some to me lacked creativity and didn't write much at all, although I'm not sure how much time they had to write. Although some of the writings that the students did weren't long Rose was able to engage them into writing and thinking. Overall the picture exercises went very well. This helped him to come up with future writing assignments and so see where the students were in terms of learning and creativity. It was a way for him to get to know the students.

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